Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology
Department of Neuroanatomy
Albertstraße 17
D - 79104 Freiburg
+49 761 203 8424

Since 2021 | Postdoctoral fellow – Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany |
2018 | Summer internship – RIKEN Center for Brain Science, Tokyo, Japan |
2017 – 2020 | Ph.D. and Dr. rer. nat. in Neuroscience (joint degree) – Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France & Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany |
2016 – 2017 | Research associate – Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universitätsklinikum Freiburg, Germany |
2016 | Master thesis – Bernstein Center Freiburg & Biology Faculty, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany |
2014 – 2016 | MSc. in Neuroscience – Joint Master in Neuroscience, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France |
2014 | Bachelor thesis – Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China |
2010 – 2014 | BSc. in Psychology – Psychology School, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China |
2018 | Travel grant (6th Inter-Academy Symposium between the Leopoldina and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities), Berlin, Germany |
2018 | Travel grant (Riken summer school), Tokyo, Japan |
2017 | Co-organizer of BrainDisC PhD conference, Freiburg, Germany |
2017 | Travel grant (Bernstein Conference), Göttingen, Germany |
2016 | Scholarship at Alsace Province, France |
2011 - 2014 | Academic scholar award for three years; Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China |
Selected Publications
- Lu H, Gallinaro JV, Normann C, Rotter S, & Yalcin I (2021). Time course of homeostatic structural plasticity in response to optogenetic stimulation in mouse anterior cingulate cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 5:bhab281. doi: [accepted, in press]
- Lu H, Gallinaro JV, & Rotter S (2019) Network remodeling induced by transcranial brain stimulation: A computational model of tDCS-triggered cell assembly formation. Network Neuroscience, 3:924-943. doi:
- Wang K, Lu H, Cheung EF, Neumann DL, Shum DH, & Chan RC (2016). “Female preponderance” of depression in non-clinical populations: a meta-analytic study. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:1398. doi:
Reviews - Lu H, Humo M & Yalcin I (2019) The molecular neurobiology of chronic pain–induced depression. Cell and tissue research. 377:21-43. doi: [shared first authorship]