Institute for Anatomy and Cell Biology
Department of Neuroanatomy
Albertstraße 17
D - 79104 Freiburg
+49 761 203 5109

Since 2020 | Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Neuroanatomy, Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg |
2019 - 2020 | Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Biomedicine Embryology and Stem Cell Biology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland |
2019 | Doctoral Thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) „Post-translational regulation of the neurogenic transcription factor SOX11.” Emil-Fischer-Centre, Institute of Biochemistry, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany |
2008 - 2014 | Undergraduate studies (Integrated Master’s Degree), Department of Biological Applications and Technology, School of Health Sciences, University of Ioannina, Greece |
Other Qualifications
2019 | Licensed for Animal Handling (according to FELASA-Cat. B) |
Selected Publications
- Iffländer N, Rolando C, Balta EA, Mukhtar T, Bock T, Taylor V. (2021). Safb1 Regulates Cell Fate Determination in the Adult Brain by Enhancing mRNA Cleavage. BioRxiv. DOI: 10.1101/2021.10.22.465432
- von Wittgenstein J, Zheng F, Wittmann MT, Balta EA, Ferrazzi F, Schäffner I, Haeberle BM, Valero-Aracama MJ, Koehl M, Miranda CJ, Kaspar BK, Ekici AB, Reis A, Abrous DN, Alzheimer C, Lie DC. (2020) Sox11 is an Activity-Regulated Gene with Dentate-Gyrus-Specific Expression Upon General Neural Activation. Cerebral Cortex. 30(6):3731-3743. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bhz338
- Balta EA, Wittmann MT, Jung M, Sock E, Haberle BM, Heim B, von Zweydorf F, Heppt J, von Wittgenstein J, Gloeckner CJ, Lie DC. (2018) Phosphorylation modulates the subcellular localization of SOX11. Front Mol Neurosci. 11:211.
- Balta EA, Shaeffner I, Wittmann MT, Sock E, von Zweydorf F, von Wittgenstein J, Heim B, Gloeckner CJ, Lie DC. (2018) Phosphorylation of the neurogenic transcription factor SOX11 on serine 133 modulates neuronal morphogenesis. Sci Rep. 8:16196. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-34480-x
- Schaeffner I, Minakaki G, Khan MA, Balta EA, Schlötzer-Schrehardt U, Schwarz TJ, Beckervordersandforth R, Winner B, DePinho R, Wurst W, Götz M, Klucken J, Lie DC. (2018). FoxO function is essential for maintenance of autophagolysosomal flux and neuronal morphogenesis in adult neurogenesis. Neuron. 99:1188-1203.e6.
- A Jacob, HM Wüst, J Thalhammer, F Fröb, S Reiprich, E-A Balta, DC Lie,M Wegner, E Sock (2018). The homeodomain transcription factor Prox1 is a direct downstream target of SoxC proteins during neurogenesis in the developing spinal cord. Journal of Neurochemistry, DOI: 10.1111/jnc.14456
- Jung, B Häberle, T Tschaikowsky, M-T Wittmann, E-A Balta, V-C Stadler, C Zweier, A Dörfler, CJ Gloeckner, DC Lie (2018). Analysis of the expression pattern of the schizophrenia-risk and intellectual disability gene TCF4 in the developing and adult brain suggests a role in development and plasticity of cortical and hippocampal neurons. Molecular Autism, DOI: 10.1186/s13229-018-0200-1