Inclusivity Statement and Resources

At the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology, we stand united in our commitment to create and nurture an equitable and diverse environment. We understand that excellence in science is not just about groundbreaking discoveries, but also about the respect for people and steadfastness in our values. Our beliefs are rooted in the recognition of institutionalized barriers – racism, sexism, and insufficient support for underrepresented minorities (URMs) in STEM fields. We acknowledge these challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement.We firmly believe that diversity in backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities is essential for scientific innovation. Our team is dedicated to inclusivity, valuing contributions from women, people of color, differently-abled individuals, immigrants, and members of LGBTQI+ communities. We pledge to continuously work towards fostering a supportive environment that embraces diversity in all its forms.

Together, we strive to make the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology not only a leader in scientific discovery and anatomical education but also a beacon for inclusivity and diversity in the scientific community.



The Department of Equality, Diversity and Academic Personnel Development is a service facility, that guides and support researchers at the University of Freiburg in structural and personnel matters regarding gender and diversity as well as on the implementation of basic gender and diversity initiatives in research projects.

The guide “Against Sexual Harassment, Violence, and Stalking” (English, German) was created to call sexual harassment and stalking by name. It aims to show persons affected by these injustices possibilities for action and support and to provide supervisors with a plan for intervening when they become aware of a case of sexual harassment or stalking.

The University of Freiburg regards itself as a place of pluralism, open-mindedness, and international exchange. Research, teaching, continuing education, and administration succeed best in a climate characterized by curiosity and openness. The university therefore encourages the attainment of equal opportunity and a respectful approach to diversity among students, researchers, and administrative, service, and technical employees. It employs the strongest means at its disposal to oppose discriminatory conduct. In 2009 the university leadership signed the Charta der Vielfalt.


Useful resources to learn more or to read for continued education: